Why Dog Training

Why Dog Training

We get asked all the time, what got you into dog training?

The answer is simple: you think your dog is amazing, but you don’t know just how amazing they can truly be.

Although on a more serious note, no owner deserve to live a life lacking confidence in their dog. In extreme cases, undoubtedly no owner or pup deserves to live with fear or anxiety.

Let us give you some back story.

We love traveling and we love being outdoors. We continue to explore around local events, trails, parks, sights and more near the Louisville, KY area. Being in such a central location, we go anywhere from Louisville, to Lexington, to Cincinnati, up to Indianapolis, down to Nashville, over to the Smokies and so on.

Given that we’re madly in love with our pup Lucy, we tend to gravitate towards dog-friendly everything, and bring her along basically everywhere we go.

Lucy was a new kind of dog for us. We went from a very old and docile beagle to a pit bull full of life, energy and love. While Lucy was and is so full of wonderful affection, she also came with some other less desirable traits when we rescued her, mostly important to note, aggression.

We did quite a lot with Lucy. When it came to dog training with Lucy, we didn’t want to stop at just obedience training. Through dog training we also wanted to help with things like establishing her a calm at-home lifestyle, giving her confidence, teaching her public versus home behavior, minimizing her anxiety, teaching off leash manners, and of course most importantly overcoming her extreme dog aggression. We definitely accomplished our goals with it all, but it’s on always ongoing thing when it comes to dog training with your pup, especially with the lifestyle we want for our Lucy.

Much like our last dog, we want a dog we can take literally anywhere and not have to worry about her behavior or her aggression. This level of discipline is something that takes time to instill to a level that has 100% assurance. Basically we wanted Lucy to be able to come with us from the middle of major cities to the wilderness of national parks and let her be off leash with us and be able to trust her completely.

But it wasn’t just Lucy..

All in all, after training our sweet Lucy and helping her become the rockstar she was meant to be, we quickly realized she wasn’t the only dog that needed help.

Occasionally, we worry too much about taking Lucy places in fear that her old behavior or aggression will come back up.

Oddly enough, it’s never Lucy that’s the problem, it’s other dogs..

We watch as dogs pull their owners all over the place, sometimes just out of excitement, but other times out of aggression. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve been in public walking Lucy and we see another dog nearly break it’s leash or collar trying to charge at Lucy out of extreme aggression.

NO dog should live with that much fear, anger or anxiety. Many people don’t realize this behavior is something that can be fixed and worked through.

Of course this is an extreme case. On a lighter end of the spectrum, our favorite laugh to see is those who walk their dogs, but really, their dogs walk them. Nearly every person in the park that we pass has a dog about 6 feet ahead of its owner, pulling onto its leash to the point of the dog choking themselves and dragging their owner. It’s not just that though, it’s the dog you see barking at its owner, the dog growling at a kid walking by, the dog running away from its parents, the dog whining in public, the list goes on and on.

All of these are not okay behaviors for your dog but are also all completely fixable.

Your dog is made up of wonderful qualities, afterall you got them for a reason! We love dogs just as much as you (maybe even more), and their benefits are something to be taken advantage of. The loyalty, the bond, the drive, all are things that we embrace through our dog training with each pup to help them become the best version of themselves.

Lucy is a popular pup, believe us! We get compliments all the time when out and about with her. People tend to admire her calmness and gentleness and well behaved demeanor. We’ve come to have a loving and trusting bond with Lucy that’s unlike a bond we’ve ever experienced before, and that’s something we want everyone to be able to experience with their dog.

Through dog training, we were able to make Lucy a true part of the family. We’re able to take her everywhere, let her be off leash, trust her when she’s not being supervised.

Our incredible growth in our trust and bond with Lucy was something that was made possible through our dog training with her, and it’s something we want to share with others.

It did make us wonder though, are we the only people who ever thought to train our dog? On the contrary actually.

What you won’t believe is that out of the hundreds of dogs we have trained, around ⅔ of those dogs have already been to another trainer before coming to us. On top of this, around ⅓ of the dogs we train have been to two or more trainers before coming to us.

Another reason we started K9 Trainology was to actually train dogs.

Our training provides more than just teaching a dog to do a couple of cool tricks like ‘sit’ or ‘shake’. While our training is customized to fit each dog’s needs individually, there are certain core attributes that we like to teach each and every dog that comes through our doors. Things like teaching your dog confidence, establishing discipline and boundaries, and teaching your dog an association between good behavior and praise are just a few of basic fundamentals we teach.

What we do is more than dog training, it’s building a true, trusting relationship with your dog.

After coming through K9 Trainology, you won’t need another trainer. As a matter of fact, we’re so confident in our training that even after your dog has completed it’s training with us, we offer follow up appointments, lessons, and guidance at no charge to our clients. We want to ensure that those who come through our program are satisfied with their growth in their dog.

Before you know it your dog can be like Lucy. French Quarter New Orleans, Rocky Mountains National Park, Seaside Florida, Santa Fe, Grand Canyon National Park, and Downtown Louisville are just a few of the places Lucy has been off leash and by our side. as the strong, trustworthy, and confident dog we have trained her to be.

Our dog training with Lucy helped her become the strong, trustworthy, and confident dog she was always meant to be. Your dog can be too.

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